Agile for delivering valuable features to users

It introduces Agile which is one of the development method for delivering valuable features to users.
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This article will introduce Agile, a development methodology for Price Rank's development team.
It explains how they are working to increase their development productivity.

Brief Summary

  • Use Agile to release and improve features that are valuable to users in the fastest way possible.
  • Find out what features are of value to users by releasing them little by little in stages

Characteristics of Agile

  • The greatest feature is that the development process of "requirement definition -> design -> development -> implementation -> test -> operation" is repeated in a small cycle for each function.
  • Engineers communicate and develop with an understanding of the business and its functions.
  • We release what we've created in step by step and detail, and we improve what we've released by watching how users use it.
  • Flexibility to change development priorities as business conditions change.

Why embrace agile?

  • In services for ordinary users, the correct answer to the "function users want" is not known.
  • Releasing small features in agile way to get users to use and try out the features.
  • Validate usage and effectiveness of released features and make improvements to make them more valuable.

The hard part of being agile

  • Every member of the team needs to think about the features that are most valuable to the user.
  • Frequent source code changes, making it difficult to maintain consistency between documentation and source code.
  • We need to work on making the whole team more productive.
Price Rank Dev
Price Rank Dev
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I use Next.js (React) and Firebase (Firestore / Auth) for development. We are also developing APIs for Ruby on Rails and GraphQL. Our team members are 6 Vietnamese and Japanese engineers.
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