How to investigate an error

Investigating an error when they occur the error
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In this article, I describe a procedure for investigating an error when they occur the error.

Essentials of an error investigation

  • Politely understand what the error message in a console is telling you.
  • Correctly understand what the error is referring to. Please search the error by Google Search if you need it.
  • Distinguish that it is an environment-dependent error or an error from other factors.
  • Correctly understand the changes from the code when it was working.
  • Check the code step by step with debugger or logger, etc to see how far the code works as expected.

Phase of error investigation

  • Investigate the error on your own in 15-30 minutes. Get an ability to solve an error on your own.
  • Consult with team members around you at a level that doesn't interfere with your work if you can't solve it yourself within 30 minutes.
  • If not resolved, contact them with an estimate of what can and can't be done and what isn't coming and the additional work time needed.

Why do we have a time limit on error investigation?

Time limits can be daunting at first, but it's important to get your output out in a limited amount of work time.

Be aware of what you can and can't do in your limited time to solve the problem.

How to investigate and solve when you discover a technical problem

If you could search for the problem which you found, please try to solve that within a limited time.

  • (Check Current Status) Please confirm the problem which works well or not in the current code.
  • (Search Alternative way) If it did not work well, please investigate the alternative way.
  • (Modify Code) Please modify code by 2nd investigation and create a pull request.

If it was difficult to solve by your self, please create a GitHub Issue and skip the issue at once.

Consider the impact of an error

Consider the impact of an error which you try to solve:

  • How important the issue is.
  • Are they creating bugs and doing users a disservice?
  • What problems could arise if left unattended?

We expect to be flexible in your action depending on the degree of impact of the error.

Price Rank Dev
Price Rank Dev
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I use Next.js (React) and Firebase (Firestore / Auth) for development. We are also developing APIs for Ruby on Rails and GraphQL. Our team members are 6 Vietnamese and Japanese engineers.
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