
Simple Layered Architecture with Next.js

We will introduce a simple Layered Architecture in Next.js to give you an idea of how to achieve a good separation of responsibilities and high maintenance code.

Introducing Recoil library

Recoil is an experimental set of utilities for state management with React.

Note that SWR does polling fetch by default

SWR does polling fetch by default, so set the option appropriately to avoid over-access.

The conception of Atomic Design

It introduces the conception of Atomic Design by Brad Frost.

A cache that uses both memory and memcached

It introduces a cache that uses both memory and memcached.

Introducing Next.js

Next.js is a framework that helps you React apps easily with SSR and static generation, etc.

HTML & CSS Coding

html & css coding. Training yourself can help you get better much faster.

How to investigate an error

Investigating an error when they occur the error

[Sep 2020]Building GraphQL API with Ruby on Rails

A step-by-step guide to initializing your project to create a GraphQL API in Ruby on Rails API mode.

[Sep 2020]Building a front-end environment based on Next.js

Here are the steps for building a front-end environment based on Next.js. We have chosen popular libraries as of September 2020 with the goal of being able to prototype efficiently.

Quality of Source Code for dev productivity

It introduces quality of source code for development productivity.

Agile for delivering valuable features to users

It introduces Agile which is one of the development method for delivering valuable features to users.

React optimization

Some tips to speed up your React application.

Set up Google Analytics

Use lib next-ga to integrate Google Analytics on every page change

Set up Sitemap.xml in NextJS

setup sitemap

About Next.js

Next.js is a flexible React framework that gives you building blocks to create fast web applications. By framework, we mean Next.js handles the tooling and configuration needed for React, and provides additional structure, features, and optimizations for your application.